The Polar Bear is a very big white bear.We call it the polar bear because is lives inside the Arctic Circle near the North Pole. There are no Polar Bear at the South Pole.
The polar bear lives in the snow and ice. At the North pole there is  only snow, ice, and water.There is not any land. You can not see the polar bear in the snow because its coat is yellow-white. Is has a very warm coat because the weather is cold north of the Arctic Circle.This bear is three meters long, and it weights 450 kilos. It can stand up on its back legs because it has very wide feet. It can use it front legs like arms. The polar bear can swim very well. It can swim 120 kilometers out in to the water. It catches fish and sea animals for food. It goes in to the sea when it is afraid.
People like to kill the polar bear for its beautiful white coat. The governments of Canada, the United States, and Russia say that no one can kill polar bears now. They do not want all of these beautiful animals to die.The Polar Bear is a large species of bear that is found inhabiting the ice fields in the Arctic Ocean. It is the biggest species of bear in the world (with the exception of the Kodiak Brown Bears found in Alaska which can reach similar sizes) with males often weighing-in at around 600kg. Thought to be closely related to the Brown Bear, the Polar Bears' name actually means "Sea Bear" as they are known to not just spend a great deal of time close to the coast, but are also strong and capable swimmers that have been spotted up to 100 miles from the closest ice or land. They are however being devastatingly affected by global warming as the ice that they rely so heavily on is disappearing fast and has led to the PolarBear becoming a strong symbol of the effects of climate change. Polar Bear populations have also fallen across the Arctic Ocean due to hunting, pollution and drilling for oil and gas leading to them being as listed as a threatened species,
The Polar Bear is the largest carnivorous mammal on land and must hunt regularly to ensure that it is well-fed and maintains it's insulating layer of fat to keep it warm. The skins and blubber of Ringed Seals make up the bulk of the Polar Bears' diet as they often leave the remaining meat which provides an important sources of food for other animals such asArctic Foxes. Although Seals are their primary source of food, Polar Bears also eat birds, berries, fish and Reindeer (particularly during the trickier summer months) along with the occasional Walrus. The carcasses from large marine mammals including Seals, Walruses and even Whales also provide a regular food source for Polar Bears that are said to have such a good sense of smell, that they are able to sniff them out from a considerable distance away. Polar Bears are also known to break into underground Seal dens to hunt the pups inside them.



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