Flying fish are ray-finned fish with highly modified pectoral fins. Despite their name, flying fish aren’t capable of powered flight. Instead, they propel themselves out of the water at speeds in excess of 35 miles per hour. Once in the air, their rigid “wings” allow them to glide for up to 200 meters. The wing-like pectoral fins are primarily for gliding—they hold the fins flat at their sides when swimming. Their streamlined bodies reduce drag when the fish are “flying.” If their beautiful wings aren’t enough to identify them by, another characteristic of flying fish is an unevenly forked tail. The top lobe of their tail is shorter than the bottom.
Flying fish are up to 18 inches long but average 7 to 12 inches.It is thought that flying fish evolved a flying mechanism to escape from their many oceanic predators. Once in the air, though, they sometimes become food for birds. Young flying fish may have filaments protruding from their lower jaws that camouflage them as plant blossoms.Open ocean provides habitat for most flying fish, but some are found on the outskirts of coral reefs.Flying fish are tropical and temperate marine species that can be seen off of both U.S. coasts. They are found in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans.Spawning takes place in the open ocean, and eggs are attached to seaweed and floating debris by sticky filaments.Some flying fish also have wing-like pelvic fins that help them to glide. These species are called four-winged flying fish.table. Flying fish are commercially fished in some places. They are relatively easy to catch because of their tendency to leap into small, well-lit boats.
Upper side of the body of flying fish is bluish-grey. Their belly is grayish silver.Flying fish has forked tail. Lower piece of the tail is longer than upper piece.
Pectoral fins of flying fish can be spread into wing-like shape. Certain species have pelvic fins shaped like wings also, and they look like they have two pairs of wings.
Flying fish are shapes like torpedo. Their fins are closed when they swim to ensure faster movement through the water.
Before it emerges above the water, Flying fish accelerates toward the surface of the water with the speed of 37 miles per hour. when requied speed is of the water with the speed of 37 miles per hour.When required speed is accomplished, Flying fish jumps out of the water and spreads its wings.
Fling fish can reach the height of 4 feet in the air, and glide distance of 655 feet before returning back to the water.
Flying fish can travel distances of 1.312 feet without rest. This is important because it ensures of flying fish are marlin,tuna,swordfish,mackerel and humans. 
Flying fish swims in large schools(Groups). The feature is especially appreciated by fishermen that can catch large number of fish when they bump in to a single school.
Flying fish are very sensitive and easily attracted by the light(Fishermen use light to guide flying fish toward their ships).Despite that fact,flying fish hunts mainly during the night.
Flying fish eats plankton,bacteria and other tiny marine creatures.Matting season of flying fish takes place when the ocean currents are the weakest.Depending on the ocean,it can be during the spring of autumn.
Flying fish live in large groups and their number can exceed million individuals during the mating season.Females deposit large number of eggs near the surface of the water.
Eggs are usuually attached to the floating debris. Young flying fish have whiskers near the mouths, andthey look like the underwater plants. This appearance ensures survival during the first few day of life,When the youngsters are the most vulnerable.Average lifespan of flying fish is around 5 year in the wild.



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