The monster fish is called a goonch and can grow to six foot, regularly weighing more than 11 stone.It lives in the Great Kali River, between India and Nepal - a stretch of water which is often used to dispose of human bodies after Hindu funeral rites.Some think this may have lead the goonch to start poaching live human victims.Biologist and expert fisherman Jeremy Wade decided to delve beneath the surface of the Kali River to track down this mysterious beast for a Channel Five documentary.He said: "The locals have told me of a theory that this monster has grown extra large on a diet of partially-burnt corpses."It has perhaps got this taste for flesh by feasting on remains of funeral pyres."There will be a few freak individuals that grow bigger than the other ones and if you throw in extra food, they will grow even bigger."Mr Wade managed to snare one goonch which weighed 161lb and was nearly 6ft long - the biggest of its species ever caught.He said: "If that got hold of you, there would be no getting away."The goonch is thought to be responsible for the disappearance of an 18-year-old Nepali last year, who was dragged under the water by a creature described as a "elongated pig".Two earlier mysterious river deaths are also considered to be the work of the killer fish.
A giant mutant fish is believed to be targeting swimmers in an Indian river after developing a taste for human flesh.The goonch, a huge type of catfish, is believed to have been feeding on corpses thrown into the Great Kali after funeral ceremonies.Locals have believed for years that a mysterious monster lurks in the water, but now they think it has moved on from scavenging to attacking swimmers venturing into the river, along the India-Nepal border.
The mysterious creature has been investigated by biologist Jeremy Wade for a TV documentary to be shown on Five.He said: 'The locals have told me of a theory that this monster has grown extra large on a diet of partially burnt corpses.'It has erhaps got this taste for flesh by feasting on the remains of funeral pyres.'There will be a few freak individuals that grow bigger than the other ones and if you throw in extra food, they will grow even bigger.'Mr Wade caught a goonch which topped the scales at 161lb and was nearly 6ft long - a world weight for the species.



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